* Copyright (C) 2024 Jonni Liljamo <jonni@liljamo.com>
* This file is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later, see NOTICE and LICENSE for
* more information.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use fancy_regex::Regex;
pub struct MkvInfo {
pub title: String,
pub year: usize,
pub file_name: String,
impl MkvInfo {
pub fn new(mkv: &matroska::Matroska, file_name: &str) -> MkvInfo {
let metadata_title = mkv.info.title.clone();
let (guessed_title, guessed_year) =
guess_title_and_release_year(file_name, &metadata_title.clone().unwrap_or_default());
let title = inquire::Text::new("Enter the title:")
let year = inquire::CustomType::<usize>::new("Please enter the release year:")
// Find the default video and audio tracks, which are needed for parts of the filename.
let mut default_video_track = mkv.video_tracks().find(|track| track.default);
if default_video_track.is_none() {
default_video_track = mkv.video_tracks().nth(0);
let default_video_track_settings = match &default_video_track.unwrap().settings {
matroska::Settings::Video(video_settings) => video_settings,
_ => panic!("default video track did not have video settings"),
let mut default_audio_track = mkv.audio_tracks().find(|track| track.default);
if default_audio_track.is_none() {
default_audio_track = mkv.audio_tracks().nth(0);
let default_audio_track_settings = match &default_audio_track.unwrap().settings {
matroska::Settings::Audio(audio_settings) => audio_settings,
_ => panic!("default video track did not have audio settings"),
// "{T}.{Y}.{S}.{R}.{SRC}.{VC}.{AC}.mkv"
let mut recommended_file_name = String::new();
// T: Title, with spaces replaced with periods and take out various special characters.
recommended_file_name += &title
.replace(" ", ".")
.replace("'", "")
.replace(":", "")
.replace("-", "");
// Y: Release year.
recommended_file_name += &format!(".{}", year);
// S: Special, e.g. directors cut or extended.
if let Some(special) = get_special(file_name) {
recommended_file_name += &format!(".{}", special);
// R: Resolution, e.g. 360p, 720p, 1080p, 2160p.
recommended_file_name += &format!(".{}p", get_resolution(default_video_track_settings));
// SRC: Source, one of: BluRay, DVD, WebDL, Unknown.
recommended_file_name += &format!(".{}", get_source(file_name));
// VC: Video codec, the default or first one.
let default_video_track_codec_id = default_video_track.unwrap().codec_id.clone();
match default_video_track_codec_id.as_str() {
"V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC" => recommended_file_name += ".x264",
"V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC" => recommended_file_name += ".x265",
_ => panic!("unhandled video codec: '{}'", default_video_track_codec_id),
// AC: Audio codec, the default or first one.
let default_audio_track_codec_id = default_audio_track.unwrap().codec_id.clone();
match default_audio_track_codec_id.as_str() {
"A_AAC" => recommended_file_name += ".AAC",
"A_AC3" => recommended_file_name += ".DD",
"A_EAC3" => recommended_file_name += ".DD+",
"A_DTS" => recommended_file_name += ".DTS",
_ => panic!("unhandled audio codec: '{}'", default_audio_track_codec_id),
match default_audio_track_settings.channels {
0 => {} // Unknown
2 => {} // Stereo, no need to mention
6 => recommended_file_name += ".5.1",
8 => recommended_file_name += ".7.1",
_ => panic!(
"unhandled amount of audio channels: '{}'",
// And last but not least, the file extension.
recommended_file_name += ".mkv";
// Last minute cleanup, e.g. double periods.
recommended_file_name = recommended_file_name.replace("..", ".");
let file_name = inquire::Text::new("File name:")
MkvInfo {
/// Try to guess the title and release year from the file name and metadata title (if any).
fn guess_title_and_release_year(file_name: &str, metadata_title: &str) -> (String, String) {
// !p at the end, because we don't want to match the resolution accidentally.
let year_regex = Regex::new(r"\d{4}+(?!p)").unwrap();
// First, let's find them from the file name.
let mut fn_year_guess = String::new();
let mut fn_title_guess = String::new();
if let Some(year_match) = year_regex.find(file_name).unwrap() {
// A possible year was found, great!
fn_year_guess = year_match.as_str().to_string();
// Now let's take all the text before it, and use that as the title guess.
fn_title_guess = file_name[..year_match.start()]
.replace(".", " ")
.trim_end_matches("(") // Year might've been in parentheses
// Second, let's find guesses from the metadata title, if one is set.
let mut md_year_guess = String::new();
let mut md_title_guess = String::new();
if !metadata_title.is_empty() {
// This is just slimmed down from the file name guessing.
if let Some(year_match) = year_regex.find(metadata_title).unwrap() {
md_year_guess = year_match.as_str().to_string();
md_title_guess = metadata_title[..year_match.start()]
.trim_end_matches("(") // Year might've been in parentheses
// Then let's decide which of each of these is correct.
let mut year_guess = String::new();
if !fn_year_guess.is_empty() && !md_year_guess.is_empty() {
// Both were found, prefer metadata.
year_guess = md_year_guess;
} else if fn_year_guess.is_empty() && !md_year_guess.is_empty() {
// Only metadata was found.
year_guess = md_year_guess;
} else if !fn_year_guess.is_empty() && md_year_guess.is_empty() {
// Only file name was found.
year_guess = fn_year_guess;
let mut title_guess = String::new();
if !fn_title_guess.is_empty() && !md_title_guess.is_empty() {
if fn_title_guess == md_title_guess {
title_guess = md_title_guess;
} else {
let title_options = vec![md_title_guess, fn_title_guess];
title_guess = inquire::Select::new("Which of these titles is better?", title_options)
} else if fn_title_guess.is_empty() && !md_title_guess.is_empty() {
// Only metadata was found.
title_guess = md_title_guess;
} else if !fn_title_guess.is_empty() && md_title_guess.is_empty() {
// Only file name was found.
title_guess = fn_title_guess;
(title_guess, year_guess)
/// Get possible special kind for the file.
/// Tries to guess it and place the cursor on the right option.
fn get_special(file_name: &str) -> Option<String> {
// Map with special feature kind mapped to ways it could be written in the file name.
let mut special_option_pairs = HashMap::new();
special_option_pairs.insert("DIRECTORS.CUT", vec!["directors.cut", "directors cut"]);
special_option_pairs.insert("EXTENDED", vec!["extended"]);
special_option_pairs.insert("OPEN.MATTE", vec!["open.matte", "open matte"]);
special_option_pairs.insert("REMASTERED", vec!["remastered"]);
special_option_pairs.insert("RESTORED", vec!["restored"]);
special_option_pairs.insert("THEATER", vec!["theater"]);
special_option_pairs.insert("UNRATED", vec!["unrated"]);
let mut special_matched = None;
'outer: for (special_kind, options) in &special_option_pairs {
for o in options {
if file_name.to_lowercase().contains(o) {
special_matched = Some(special_kind);
break 'outer;
if inquire::Confirm::new("Is this a special feature?")
let mut special_options = special_option_pairs
.map(|key| key.to_string())
let mut match_pos = 0;
if let Some(special_kind) = special_matched {
match_pos = special_options
.position(|s| s == special_kind)
let special_ans = inquire::Select::new("What kind of special feature?", special_options)
match special_ans {
Ok(special) => Some(special),
Err(_) => panic!("something went wrong while asking for special value"),
} else {
/// Get the resolution of the file.
fn get_resolution(video_settings: &matroska::Video) -> u64 {
// NOTE: Kinda dumb logic to figure out a sane value for the resolution field.
// There's a lot of "theater aspect" content which is normal 1080p in width
// but has a height of like 1769. I still want that labeled 1080p.
match video_settings.pixel_height {
360 => 360,
720 => 720,
1080 => 1080,
2160 => 2160,
_ => match video_settings.pixel_width {
480 => 360,
1280 => 720,
1920 => 1080,
3840 => 2160,
_ => video_settings.pixel_height,
/// Get the source of the file.
/// Tries to guess it and place the cursor on the right option.
fn get_source(file_name: &str) -> String {
// Map with source kind mapped to ways it could be written in the file name.
let mut source_option_pairs = HashMap::new();
source_option_pairs.insert("BluRay", vec!["bluray", "blu.ray", "blu-ray"]);
source_option_pairs.insert("DVD", vec!["dvd"]);
source_option_pairs.insert("WebDL", vec!["webdl", "web.dl", "web-dl"]);
source_option_pairs.insert("Unknown", vec![]);
let mut source_matched = None;
'outer: for (source_kind, options) in &source_option_pairs {
for o in options {
if file_name.to_lowercase().contains(o) {
source_matched = Some(source_kind);
break 'outer;
let mut source_options = source_option_pairs
.map(|key| key.to_string())
let mut match_pos = 0;
if let Some(source_kind) = source_matched {
match_pos = source_options
.position(|s| s == source_kind)
inquire::Select::new("What is the source of this file?", source_options)