
nvim-flake/config/plugins d---------
feat(lsp): make sure tailwindcss is attached to these types
fix(lsp): set protols package
fix(lsp): rust-analyzer loadOutDirsFromCheck
feat(lsp): protols
feat(lsp): pylsp
chore: update flake inputs
feat(silicon): init
feat(tiny-code-action): init
feat(cmp): toggle
feat(telescope): a couple binds
feat(toggleterm): change lazygit to <C-l>
feat(lsp): gopls
chore: update
chore: update flake inputs and make suggested changes
feat(lualine): disable separators
feat(precognition): init
feat(lualine): init
feat(indent-blankline): init
feat(toggleterm): init with lazygit toggle
feat(gitsigns): init