
ref: 326c993612df33f8ae796d652157bf49281a1596 felu/internal d---------
feat: zoneOf function
feat: AcmeChallenge field for domains
feat: APIUrl include protocol
fix: set NS ttl
feat: stub CNAME queries
feat: initial NS and SOA responses
feat: improve logging in parseQuery
feat: log unsupported Opcodes
feat: config DDNSDomain and SOAEmail
feat: serve dns on tcp too
chore: update mod name and dependencies
fix: log error on migration fail
feat(components): ignore *_templ.go
fix: a templ file somehow forgotten before
chore: implement changes from linters, update copyright years
fix!: ignore case in queries, yikes
chore: update... everything
feat: manual updating of A records
feat: apikey refreshing and eye toggle
fix: a possible flaw to delete domains owned by others