feat(shared): enable api calls for creare, all_forming and my_games
feat(shared): add a channel and messages for generic data requests
feat(schema, shared, api): move all types to shared, separate schema * schema is now stored in a separate crate to avoid dependency cycles * added note in README.md about handling unwraps
feat(shared): relocate types, add gamestate consts
feat(shared): extract_cookie macro
Merge remote branch 'origin/dev'
wip!(client, server, shared): initial updating to bevy 0.10
feat(server, shared): send an AfterAuth payload to the client after auth
feat(client, server, shared): new login/register
feat(shared): derive deserialize for APIError
wip(server, shared): dual purpose auth event
feat!(client, shared): move api calls to shared, dep shuffle, and remove connection check stage
feat(shared): add auth message
chore(client, server, shared): update naia deps
feat(shared): new error UserPasswordCheckFailed
feat(shared): a few database and argon errors
fix(shared): fix error/api visibility
feat(shared): serialize APIError
feat(shared): impl most previous api errors Signed-off-by: Jonni Liljamo <jonni@liljamo.com>
feat(shared): setup server protocol configuration