feat(client): change editor binds to saner ones
feat(client): new globals res with user details
feat(client): something to browse in browse
fix(client): change where user token is saved
feat(client): save games fetched to memory
fix(client): api port, fix post request macros
fix: cache cargo registry for musl docker build
WIP(client): browsing and related call events
feat: build.sh for client, build in docker for musl
fix: rename docker function in api dev-launch.sh
feat: define targets in client flake.nix
feat: /usr/bin/mold -> mold
feat: flake.nix for api, improved dev-launch.sh
feat: add flake.nix for client
feat(client): impl api calls for game endpoints
feat(api): rename GameInfo to GameDetails
feat(client): update user requests to use macros
feat(client): add macros for http requests
feat!(api): rename /all_forming to /forming
feat(client): init browse view