
feat(roles/shell): silence direnv
chore: update nvim-flake
feat: make zellij usable
feat(hosts/alice): blender
feat(hosts/alice): nextcloud-client
feat(systems/hosts/metrics): blocky job
feat: cadvisor
feat(systems/hosts/metrics): revamp scrape_configs
fix(systems/hosts/dns): getDNSEntries
feat(lib/util): more functions
feat: small tweak to util ip mapping
feat(system/hosts/dns): add entries for each host
feat: pass lib to artautil, rename hostnameToIPv4
feat(roles/gaming): r2mdman
fix(systems/hosts/metrics): add missing ports, remove one old host
feat: remove alderaan
feat: add lothlorien matrix
chore: update nixpkgs-unstable