feat: move fonts to profiles/common
wip(systems/hosts/sqbuilds): fix to some degree
wip(systems/hosts/sqbuilds): initial sqbuilds config
wip(systems/profiles/vm): temporarily disable static settings
fix(systems/profiles/vm): wrong gateway
feat(systems/profiles/vm): add vm profile
feat(systems/profiles/lxc): set timezone
feat(systems/profiles/laptop): light
fix(roles/prometheus): mkIf enable
feat: rest of lxc common, working dns configuration
feat(systems/hosts/arwen): libreoffice
feat(systems/hosts/arwen): add a few packages to systemPackages...
feat(systems/hosts/alice): include some core packages in a temporary way for now
feat(modules/unfree): unfree core module
feat(roles/shell): move some packages here
feat: add alice and components needed for it